Turn Your Workforce Into Your Competitive Advantage

We’re experts at understanding the changing labor market and how to leverage our innovative staffing solutions to turn your workforce into your competitive advantage.​

Streamline and Simplify Your Processes
Customized Hiring Process
Exclusive Database
Services That Provide Workforce Flexibility
Onsite Management Works As An Extension of HR
Fast Without Compromising Quality
Delivering Costs Reductions

Streamline and Simplify Your Processes

We have aligned ourselves with the best of the best in supplier partnerships that will create business efficiency and performance improvement. If your organization is supported with contract services divided among multiple companies with different responsibilities, they’re probably not all focused on your main objective. Peak Workforce Solutions can consolidate these services, simplify your process, and strategically align these services to translate their input into a higher return on your investment. Don’t let your profitability get lost in the shuffle.


Customized Hiring Process

We offer exclusive access to a unique pool of skilled professionals that have been extensively evaluated for the perfect fit. Our assessment processes go beyond traditional job previews and skills tests, taking into account behavioral and personality traits, simulation exercises, competency modeling, and more – all conducted by phone, online, or in person, depending on your needs. You can be sure we’ll find individuals with an experience tailored to your best interests.

Exclusive Database 

We offer an exclusive database system that helps provide our clients with the most qualified employees. Our team can quickly and easily input, access, track, maintain and manage necessary information related to employee skill sets and aptitude – yielding a comprehensive inventory of viable candidates available for hiring on demand. Additionally, it provides improved labor usage through monitored planning/scheduling and measured performance indicators.

Onsite Management Works As An Extension of HR

By partnering with us, your HR department will be able to focus on the big-picture strategic elements of company development. We’ll ensure that you are supported in responding rapidly and flexibly to changing business needs without taking a toll on staff numbers or incurring legal risk.

Fast Without Compromising Quality

Our quality assurance program includes a suite of metrics such as turnover analysis, absenteeism tracking, and safety reporting, helping us proactively measure performance while pursuing continuous improvement goals. We use weekly compliance checks, monthly reviews, and quarterly meetings to analyze data from bi-annual satisfaction surveys for an optimized experience. Our engineered response delivers clear results.

Services That Provide Workforce Flexibility

Organizations today must be agile and adapt quickly to stay ahead of their competition. Our program can equip businesses with a flexible labor force just in time, allowing them to scale up or down depending on market changes without taking an excessive toll on their budget or resources. With this flexibility comes peace of mind knowing you are still equipped with qualified staff while remaining profitable regardless of external pressures.

Delivering Costs Reductions 

Our program is designed to reduce costs and improve efficiency by streamlining the hiring process. Through financial prudence, technological automation, and data-driven insights into staffing decisions that save money, we can reduce markups while simultaneously increasing quality control standards with improved planning and execution practices. Ultimately this results in hard cost savings from decreased fringe & wage expenses and soft cost savings through better hiring processes, leading to more qualified candidates being identified for each position.